Locally-led land conservation and stewardship

Promoting sustainable connections between the land, local economies, and rural communities in the Mt. Adams region.

Featured Project: Oak Restoration on a state Natural Area Preserve

The Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana) is a fire-adapted species that has long been characteristic of the Columbia River Gorge. Oaks support over 200 species of wildlife with their acorn crops, microbial and plant associations, and abundant cavities. In the absence of fire, however, many oak-dominated landscapes have become densely overgrown with shade-tolerant conifers.

Mt. Adams Resource Stewards partnered with the Washington Department of Natural Resources to perform “oak release”—that is, removing those young, dense conifers so the remaining oaks have the sunlight and resources they need to thrive. The MARS Stewardship Crew implemented this work from 2022-2023 on DNR-managed sites in both Trout Lake and Husum, WA.

Restoring fire-adapted ecosystems is critical to promote wildlife habitat, create resilient forests, and protect our rural communities from catastrophic wildfire. And it’s a team effort, requiring collaboration across public and private land ownerships.

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Mt. Adams Resource Stewards
PO Box 152, Glenwood, WA 98619